6 Strategies to Harness Your Public Speaking Anxiety

If you are terrified of speaking in front of a crowd, you are not alone. Just about everyone gets anxious before they give an important speech. Knowing that all eyes will be on you makes your “fight or flight” instinct kick in. Actually, it is normal to be nervous before a speech. Early in my career, I was told, "the day you are not nervous is the day you should worry." It is often quoted or possibly misquoted that public speaking is the top fear; beating out the fear of death! As Jerry Seinfeld said, he'd rather be in the casket at the funeral than give the eulogy! 

Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking, is a common phobia. In fact, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, about 74% of people experience it. I meet with clients every day who struggle to face this fear. While each person has unique insecurities, here are 6 simple things you can do to minimize public speaking anxiety.

1. Reframe Your Nervousness

Instead of focusing on nervousness, describe it as excitement. Athletes and actors do this all the time. Know that the adrenaline rush is telling you that you are ready to perform. Understand that the rush you feel tells you that you care about the presentation. Understand it and move forward.

2. It's Not All About You

Focus on your audience and their needs. When you think more about your audience than your performance, you will be less nervous. You are there to serve your audience.

3. Know Your Material

The best way to reduce the feeling of insecurity when you get in front of the crowd is to know your talking points or presentation material cold. Practice, practice, practice in front of family, friends, or colleagues. The more you rehearse, the more confident you will feel. I also often recommend that my clients memorize the first few lines so that the presentation gets off to a good start. However, do not memorize your entire speech or it will sound canned and lack spontaneity. For many people, it is the first few minutes of a speech that is the most nerve-wracking. Once they get started, they become more comfortable and confident. By starting strong you build up the momentum to keep your confidence throughout the presentation.

4. Exercise in the Morning

Go for a run, take a spin class, hit the gym, or just do jumping jacks or climb steps in the morning before your presentation. Getting your heart pumping helps remove the "jitters," clear your mind, and release serotonin. This “happy hormone” will get you feeling positive and ready for your presentation.

5. Get There Early

Nothing makes your anxiety spike more than when you are late and in a rush. Get there early so that you can have a few minutes to get familiar with the venue, check your technology, get a glass of water, take a few deep breaths, and look over your notes one last time. Take some time to get your mind and body into a relaxed state before taking the stage. Talk with the attendees so they are familiar with you and you will have "friends" in the audience.

6. Avoid Caffeine

Coffee and caffeinated products will increase your heart rate and will also dehydrate you. Drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated.

If you employ these tips and find that you’re still anxious about speaking in public, you should seek out a public speaking or vocal coach. At Successfully Speaking, we can help you overcome your fears and find your confidence. Contact us to set up an appointment, arrange a FREE 15-minute telephone consultation, or learn more about our master classes in public speaking and our online public speaking course, "SPEAK, SOUND, and LOOK Like a Leader."


Learn more about Lynda and her experience as a solopreneur and small business owner


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